Finally good news. Daily covid-19 numbers are decreasing, the Province is in phase 2 of reopening and the future looks promising.
The Directors would like to inform you of some of our discussions and concerns:
- A tentative ride schedule has been made with 8 rides planned. The first ride, Holdridge Creek, could be held before the end of the month depending on the limits to outside gatherings. Of course social distancing and wearing of masks will be required. An email will follow as soon as the day of the ride can be confirmed.
- It is imperative that the club hold an annual meeting to approve the last two years of business which include financial statements and minutes of meetings. Also new directors have to be elected. Indoor gathering will again rule the date but we will aim for September or at the latest October.
- Also officers looking after the webpage and Facebook are both leaving.
NOTE: In order for the club to continue to survive there is an URGENT need for volunteers to step up and fill the following vacancies:
Vice President
2 or 3 board members
a coordinator for Facebook
a coordinator for our Webpage
If anyone is interested, please reply to the Club by email.
Hope everyone is well and healthy!
On behalf of your directors, stay safe and hope to see you out on the trails.
Barry Beauchamp
WNATV Club Secretary