Summer is hot, and so is the ATV season! In addtion to our WNATV Club rides, there are other ATV events planned through the summer. Here a listing of events from the www.northernontario.travel website. Please ensure you verify the event is still on by checking with their particular website before travelling!
If for some reason you are not going to our own Club ride, Tilden Lake, on July 27th, but find yourself south of West Nipissing, I would recommend the July 27th event in Kearney. I have had the opportunity to ride some of the trails in this area, and it is a beautiful place. This is put on the the West Algonquin ATV Club. They are just south of us, and some of their members have joined us in the WNATV Club for rides.
July 2019 ATV Events
5-7, Mattawa Road Trip, Mattawa, ON
Join the Central Ontario ATV Club on our annual road trip to Mattawa, Ontario on July 5-6-7, 2019. Spend the weekend in a cottage and ride from there on the Voyageur Multi Use Trail System, OFATV passes are required.
Registration: You must pre-register ASAP as we have limited space available, and we sell out every year. Cost is $220 per person (2 per room) for the cottage rental and all meals from Friday dinner to lunch Sunday. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required ASAP.
To participate please contact: Rhonda Broderick, rhonda@coatv.ca, or call her at 705-429-3822
6, KATVA Five Points Ride, Kinmount, ON
A beginner to intermediate level ride. Meet at 9:30 am at the Superior Propane Parking Lot, County Road 121. Ride leaves at 10 am sharp.
Registration: Click here to register. Non-members will be able to purchase their trail permit upon arriving for the event ride.
13-23, KATVA Camping and Ride, Stonecliffe, ON
An intermediate level ride starting from the Morning Mist Resort in Stonecliffe. Space may be limited so people need to contact the resort, www.MorningMistResort.ca for information.
Registration: Click here to register. Non-members will be able to purchase their trail permit upon arriving for the event ride.
20, COATVC Saturday Fun Ride, Wasaga Beach, ON
Central Ontario ATV Club, is having a Saturday fun ride from the clubhouse to the Anten Mills/Phelpston Trail. Meet at the COATV clubhouse in the Wasaga Beach Sports Park, 1888 Klondike Park Road, Wasaga Beach. Drive in and turn left to parking area by the clubhouse.
Registration: $20 event permit for those who don’t have an OFATV annual pass will be available before the ride.
20, 21, TIATVC Demo Daze 2019, Lansdowne, ON
Our annual Demo Daze is held in conjunction with the Lansdowne Fair. Come out and try new ATVs and Side X Sides from various manufacturers on our 3-kilometre trail.
27, AWATVC Trail Ride, Kearney, ON
All Algonquin West ATV Club rides leave the Kearney Legion ball diamonds at 9 am sharp.
Lunch provided with a permit. Day passes will be available for purchase on the morning of the ride. Ride dates and times subject to change, updates will be posted in advance as much as reasonably possible.
Registration: If you could please reply to customerservice@algonquinwestatv.com to verify registration.
August 2019 ATV Events
3, 4, Opeongo ATV Trail Fest, Barry’s Bay, ON
Our annual Loggers Loop and Opeongo ATV Trail Fest will be held August 3 and August 4. Leaving from the Paul J Yakabuski Arena. Lunch provided at Spectacle Lake Lodge – hamburger, salad, dessert, drink. Supper: back at the Arena after the Saturday ride. Accommodations available: overflow dry camping will be available at the Paul J Yakabuski Arena.
Registration: Cost is $40 for the weekend (includes Saturday lunch & supper, and door prizes). Registration begins at 8 am at the Paul J Yakabuski Arena on Saturday morning.
4, Sunday Fun Ride, Wasaga Beach, ON
Central Ontario ATV Club, is having a fun ride from the clubhouse to the Anten Mills/Phelpston Trail. Meet at the COATV clubhouse in the Wasaga Beach Sports Park, 1888 Klondike Park Road, Wasaga Beach. Drive in and turn left to parking area by the clubhouse.
Registration: $20 event permit for those who don’t have an OFATV annual pass will be available before the ride.
10, KATVA Pot Luck BBQ & Ride, Fenelon Falls, ON
Hosted at Log Chateau Park, 1691 Cty Rd 121, Fenelon Falls. Call 705-887-3960 to reserve your campsite. Riding from park at 10 am. BBQ roasts and pop provided. Everyone to bring a side dish, salad or dessert.
Registration: Click here to register. KATVA permit required. Non-members will be able to purchase their trail permit upon arriving for the event ride.
11, DGATV Sunday Fun Ride, Markdale, ON
A Sunday fun ride leaving from Markdale trail parking lot, 199-151 Grey County Rd 12, Markdale, ON.
Registration: Starts at 9:30 am. Ride leaves at 10 am. OFATV pass required or day passes for $20 available at registration.
17, Offroad I Like Dirt Roads, Elliot Lake, ON
The Elliot Lake ATV Club and Royal LePage will be hosting a charity ATV run to raise money for the Elliot Lake St. Joseph’s General Hospital CT Scanner and the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation.
17, Lunch by the Lake, Lansdowne, ON
Travel the Thousand Islands ATV Club trails to Charleston Lake for a barbecue, go for a swim or just put your feet in the lake.
Registration: Cost of the ride is $15/machine and $5 for additional riders. OFATV Trail Pass or Day pass required and can be purchased the day of the ride.
17, KATVA Five Points Ride, Kinmount, ON
Meet at Superior Propane, Cty Rd 121 at 9 am. Bring a lunch.
Registration: Click here to register. KATVA permit required. Non-members will be able to purchase their trail permit upon arriving for the event ride.
18, 7th Annual Trip to Kearney, Emsdale, ON
Join the Central Ontario ATV Club for the 7th annual ride on Algonquin West ATV Club trails in beautiful Kearney area. Bring your lunch to eat on the trail.
Registration: A $15 day pass is required and will be available on site. Meet at 8:30 am and park across from Rickward’s Polaris Small Motors, 1914 Hwy 518 E, Kearney.
18, Adam Wicks Memorial Ride, South Mountain, ON
The Nation Valley ATV Club will host the Adam Wicks Memorial Ride again this year. Location, timings and lunch details will be provided closer to the event date.
24, Goats Trail Ride, TBA, ON
All riders must pre-register. Limited to 20 expert riders. No 2-up riders. SxS allowed only if rules change. Riders will be notified by email of where and when to meet.
Registration: Click here to register.