Baie Jeanne to Cross Lake

Ride Lead: Marcel Lafreniere
Ride Tail: Rheal Berichon
We left River Valley at 9:10 am with 28 members, a few guests, two dogs, 10 ATV and 7 side by side. Made a short stop at Baie Jeanne which is a south branch of lake Temagami, with plentiful fishing and a few wild camping spots.  After a short stop, we continued our trip towards Cross Lake. We bypassed the usual lunch stop at Iron lake and arrived at Cross lake below the dam at 12:05. That section is more scenic and with more space to park the ATV’s. On a very cold and windy day you can take cover behind the bushes away from the lake. We spent 50 minutes having lunch and connecting together. We left and it took about one hour to reach Cross Lake above the dam. Another nice spot to launch your canoe or a very small boat to go fishing on lake Temagami. Camping is not allowed at that site. After a short stop we left and arrived in River Valley at 3:05 pm. At every spot we stopped I did not need to  say, Time to Go as it came naturally once members were ready they would hop on their ATV to proceed to the next spots. There were no holes with more than 1 foot of water. The weather was fantastic which made the trip more pleasant. I was lucky that for the first time that I was ledding members, everything fell into place, especially after 3 years of me being absent from participating in the organized rides.