AREA: Region: Markstay Warren North North of River Valley to Wanapitei River
DISTANCE: 100 km
RATING: 2 (see cover letter)
ACCESS: You can access this ride from three parking areas: 1. From north of River Valley on highway 805. 2. From the abandoned rail line north of Hagar on Highway 535 3. From Kukagami road at the abandoned rail line.
NOTE: This is a revision of the original ride effectively eliminating some of the bush roads and the possibility of dusty conditions. Also at the Wanapitei River there is mining activity so some of these trails have been sectioned off for now.
– This ride is made up of three sections. Each one will be summarized below and can be combined depending on the parking area. – First section is leaving hwy 805 just after Cowboy Labelle’s, crossing the Sturgeon River and following a trail parallel to the abandoned railway and continue on, crossing the Sturgeon River again. Head north to Murray Creek just where it enters the Sturgeon River. Turn west and follow the trail that goes south of Knowles Lake and Murray Lake to the second parking area. – At the second section continue on, by not taking the fork to the old Pine Lodge and leads to Washagami Lake, a beautiful camping spot. Leaving here we follow the snow machine trail all the way to Kukagami road and beyond. Along the way there is a well- marked burial spot of a long past logger. Continue on, following trails through a red pine forest to the Wanapitei River. We track back using the old rail bed to the third parking spot.
It might be advisable to bring extra gas.
This ride was held in 2018.
Revised 01/17/19