AREA: Region: 805 North North of River Valley
DISTANCE: 106 km.
ACCESS: From River Valley on highway 539A turn left on hwy 805 and travel up to Manitou Lake RV Park situated on Manitou Lake to park. This is approximately 1.5hours from Sturgeon Falls.
– Leaving Manitou Lake RV Park on hwy 805 continue north approximately 8 km. Take the first road on the right just before Emerald Lake and continue for 3 km. It is excellent going. – You will hit a fork in the trail at this distance, do not continue straight ahead but turn to the left. This fork will travel west of Eaglerock Lake and for the next 3 to 4 km. the going will be slow. – You will arrive at a recently bulldozed road and turning right will bring us to Greenrod Lake and a beautiful place to stop. – Continue straight ahead not turning right after the culvert for we will be taking this trail on the way back. 2.5 km. ahead we will meet another fork. Continue straight ahead because if we will turn right this will bring us to Gull Lake. – Continue on for maybe 7 km. The going is good. At the fork which we will be taking coming back turn to the left and continue on arriving at a T in the road. Right we go to Alan Lake and to the left Upper Bass Lake. This is a good trail with many places to stop. – Returning back, we arrive at the fork mentioned above and turn to the left. This will bring us to Lower Bass Lake and another place to stop. – Continue always straight ahead and do not take the forks right or left. This will lead us to Gull Lake and the beautiful beach. This is a great place to have lunch. – After lunch we head north. If you take the first right this will lead you to Longbow Lake and then Lake Temagami. Depending on the time we can investigate this. Or continue straight ahead and on the next fork turn left and back to Greenrod Lake. Just 1.5 km. past this fork there is a hidden turnoff which if taken will lead you to an abandoned mine. – Just before the culvert at Greenrod Lake, turn left and we now follow Eaglerock Lake on the east side. Continue 5 km until we hit the same trail from this morning. Follow this back to hwy 805 junction. If you turn right it goes to the end of Emerald Lake where there is a nice beach. – Turn left on the hwy 805 and return back to Manitou Lake RV Park.
HISTORY: The club has had numerous organized rides in this area. The numerous logging roads makes this area is a favourite for many riders from the West Nipissing Community. The last time this ride was made was 2018
Revised: 01/08/19