AREA: Region: Temagami / Temiskaming / Mattawa
North of Marten River and East of Hangstone Lake
DISTANCE: 46 km.
RATING: 2 (small groups only)
ACCESS: At the fork of Hwy 64 N and Hwy 11 N turn left, north for 7.5 km. up to Tonomo
Lake Road. Exit on the left and travel 4 km. past a natural gas pumping station.
Turn left after the station and park alongside this road.
CONCERNS: The last time this was scouted was in 2012 so bring a chainsaw along although
there are many camps in the area who probably cleaned the trails.
– The goal for this ride is to find a connection to the Hangstone Ride.
– Bike along a good road for about 3.5 km. going past Quenneville Lake.
– At the fork turn right and continue on for a short distance to another fork in
the road. Going straight will lead to the Haileybury Hunt Club and a boat
launch at Norris Lake. Flagged on the map is a road going to Mann Lake.
Turn left and continue around Norris Lake. The trail crosses a creek with a
good flow of water flowing into Hangstone Lake. The bottom is in gravel and
crosses easily.
– Right after this crossing is a trail going right to Norris Lake. Left turn leads to
a trail to Hangstone Lake. Continue straight ahead.
– The path leads through some nice hardwoods going south around Lowery
Lake. There is a spot there for lunch and access to the lake.
– From here the trail is more challenging and becomes muddier and rough. You
can see that people have tried to pass by the amount of corduroy road. Our
group had to stop because of getting stuck in the deep mud. It is just
kilometres from the end of the Hangstone ride and MacAdam Lake.
– Return back on your tracks and enjoy the scenery. At the first fork when we
came in, now turn right. Here there are good roads following the east side of
Hangstone Lake.
– There are two Hunt camps in this area. One the Moosehead Hunt Camp is
located on Hangstone Lake. Another is on a small lake. There are good trails
but they all lead to nowhere. Once about 25 years ago they were logging roads
but now many have grown in. There is lots of hardwood scenery but that’s all.
We couldn’t connect to the south end of Hangstone.
– After investigating, return back to the parking area.
HISTORY: You can see that this area was logged for white pine in the past. Topographic maps
show numerous roads but they have all grown in. At present this area has
numerous lake accesses, and is used by tourist camps for fishing.
Revised 01/20/2018