Hwy 805 to Cross Lake



AREA: Region: HWY 64 North & River Valley North of River Valley

DISTANCE: 95 km.


ACCESS: Drive to River Valley and continue on highway 805 approximately 18 km. to Pardo Road. There is lots of room to park along this road.


– From the parking area, go east for 15 km. on Pardo Road, a well-kept logging road. This meets St Joseph Road and continue on to the left. Here you will see a Baie-Jeanne sign at this corner. – Approximately 5 km. further there is a fork in the road. To the left we go to Baie-Jeanne and to the right we head to Cross Lake. Keep to your left onto a rougher trail, and you will reach the Baie-Jeanne camping area. Baie-Jeanne is the most southern part of Lake Temagami. An excellent view and camping spot. There is a water access here. – Returning to the fork above, we head off on Cross Lake road2 turning left (northeast) to continue the trip. After about 7 km, you will have to cross a wide creek about 2.5 ft deep at Sinton Lake. The base is solid but keep your feet high to be dry. – Here you can have your lunch, or wait another 5 km at an open area near South Iron lake. After lunch, you can head to the third fork, where you can reach the Cross Lake access if you keep to your left. This access ramp is the result of hard work by a group of local individuals who pressured the government in making area lakes accessible to all! – Then head south back to the fork above, and turn left to reach another scenic spot on the Temagami River just below the Cross Lake Dam, where there was once a bridge connecting to the road across to our Hangstone ride and eventually Hwy 64. – Then you can return to the same fork and turn left (southwest) and travel about 12 km, which will bring you back to the Kennedy Lake fork (Baie-Jeanne road). At this point we continue straight onto Pardo Road and back to the parking area.

HISTORY: This area is used by many riders from the West Nipissing Community.

This ride was held in 2018.

