AREA: Region: Capreol North
North of Capreol
DISTANCE: 140 km
ACCESS: You can access this ride by travelling to Capreol.
1. From Capreol travel approximately 7 km. on highway 545.
2. Turn right on Portelance Road. At the corner it says to Rocky’s and to the
Wanapitei Reserve. Travel approximately 7 km.
3. Continue straight, not turning at Rocky’s turnoff, on Gauthier Lumber Road
for 20 km. to the parking area. The first parking area saves travelling by
vehicle on the logging road.
– This ride follows the Wanapitei River for close to 30 km. Locals call this the
North River.
– Cross the bridge and continue on to the head waters of the Sturgeon River.
The bridge has been removed and you can’t go any further.
– Return back on your tracks to the bridge crossing the North River and turn to
the right.
– Instead of following the pole line continue straight ahead and follow the
logging roads in the cutover area.
– Good idea to use your GPS all the way back to the parking area.
For this ride extra gas is required.
This ride is a new one to the club.