Club Rides Schedule 2019

*Please note these are the “tentative” rides as set at the ride meeting.  The rides will be subject to changes, and will be updated from time-to-time.

Date Ride Lead/Tail Sponsors
Saturday, Apr. ?? Desjardins Sugarbush CANCELLED
Saturday, May 11 Tilden Lake Mike Labelle/ Micheal Constant

Saturday, June 8 Kukagami Ride Art Constantineau/ Mike Labelle

Saturday, June 22 Silver Lake Claude Patenaude/Jacques Lachance
Saturday, July 13 Holdridge Creek Barry Beauchamp/ Art Constantineau
Saturday, July 27 Tilden Lake Alternative CANCELLED

Saturday, Aug. 10 Night Ride Thistle Art Constantineau / Micheal Constant

Wednesday, Aug. 21 King Run Barry Beauchamp/Al Giroux

Saturday, Sept. 7 Capreol Poleline Art Constantineau/ Mike Labelle

Wednesday, Sept. 18 Boisvenue Art Constantineau/Al Giroux

Saturday, Oct. 5 Rabbit Lake Barry Beauchamp/Art Constantineau
Saturday, Nov. 2 Mountain View/Mud Lake Barry Beauchamp/Marcel Lafreniere