AREA: Region: Temagami / Temiskaming / Mattawa
Northwest of Mattawa
DISTANCE: 96 km.
ACCESS: – Parking can be at three places
– At the arena
– At VMUTS Trail Head.
– At Hwy 533.
– The trail is well marked. There is a nice view of the rock cut looking over the
Mattawa River.
– Next there is a lookout which is actually a nice place to stop.
– At the first junction, keep to your right. A power line will be crossing the trail.
– Follow the Forest Access road. The beginning is where you could park and
start the ride.
– Near Bell Lake there are nice places to stop for lunch. This is the most
westerly point of the ride. This is where you have a beautiful view and can see
the fish hatchery to the west.
– Or you can continue on and have lunch at Camp Conewango. You can
purchase gas here also.
– After lunch we come back east crossing the power line again.
– Another nice place to stop is the mica mine. This could be a very good spot to
take out your camera.
– For a last break you may stop at Kearny Lake beach which is on your left.
– At the next intersection turn right and you will pass the look-out again and
continue to the VMUTS Trail Head. Or just before this there is a trail to the
right that brings you back to Mattawa and the arena.
HISTORY: This whole area has been developed by VMUTS (Voyageur Multi Use Trail
System). Its establishment was centred on have a system of trails in the Mattawa
and surrounding area that all users could enjoy. One of its most important goals
was to attract people into the area and help with the economy.
To use these trails a day pass is required. You can also purchase an annual